What if he could zoom out and see from all points of view at the same time, he thought, through every pair of eyes, through every body that moves and breathes and experiences ecstasy and suffering and the ebb and flow and heavy drag of gravity...
...and on further, feeling the world through the viewpoint of all creatures and forms, moving or no, the dark sensations of grubs munching on decaying refuse below the earth, a rock lying in the warm sun, dirty smoke billowing joyously from a smokestack...
...and beyond that, into realms both known and unknown, of haunted shades consumed by the illusive nature of their own rage or hunger or lusts, fucking and killing and devouring, and of beings lost in visionary pleasures high above these worlds...
...a point of view that encompasses all of these experiences without distinction or self, a place of no religion or nationality, no politics or identifications, like the tight grip of a baby to whom everything is new or the loose one of an old man who has already seen it all and is ready to let go...
...a way of seeing he might be tempted to call god, or life, or reality, but even that would be false, making an idol out of that experience which looks through all these forms we inhabit, yet which has no name.